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Nipah Virus : Understanding the Threat and How to Stay Safe

In recent years, the term "Virus" has become a household word. From the common cold to the more notorious COVID-19, viruses have captured the world's attention. Amid this global pandemic backdrop, there's another viral threat that warrants our understanding and vigilance : The NIPAH VIRUS (NiV) 

In the realm of infectious diseases, one virus that has emerged as a potential global health threat is the Nipah virus (NiV) . While it may not be as widely recognized as some other viruses like Ebola or Zika.

Nipah virus (NiV)  poses a significant risk due to its high mortality rate and capacity for human-to-human transmission spread.

In this blog post, we will explore what Nipah virus is, its history, transmission, symptoms, and preventive measures to stay informed and safe.

What is Nipah Virus (NiV) ?

Nipah virus (NiV) is a Zoonotic virus, meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans. The virus is primarily hosted by fruit bats (specifically, the Pteropus genus), which do not exhibit symptoms but can shed the virus in their urine and saliva. Human infections usually occur when they come into contact with infected bats or consume contaminated fruits and raw date palm sap.

A Brief History  ::

Nipah virus was first identified in 1999 when it caused an outbreak in Malaysia. This outbreak was linked to the consumption of contaminated pig meat and led to severe respiratory and neurological symptoms, with a mortality rate of around 40%. Since then, sporadic outbreaks have occurred in South and Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh and India.

Modes of Transmission , Spread 0f (NiV) ::

Nipah virus can be transmitted spread as  :

Direct Contact : Coming into contact with the bodily fluids of infected animals, particularly pigs, or infected people.

Consumption of Contaminated Food  : Eating fruits or raw date palm sap contaminated with bat urine or saliva.

Human-to-Human Transmission  :  Nipah virus has the potential for human-to-human transmission through close contact with infected individuals, particularly in healthcare settings.

Symptoms of Nipah Virus (NiV)   ::

The symptoms of Nipah virus(NiV)  infection can vary but typically include :

Fever and Headache :  Early signs often mimic common viral infections.

Respiratory Symptoms : Cough, sore throat, and difficulty breathing may develop.

Neurological Symptoms  :  Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) can cause confusion, dizziness, and even coma.

Severe Outcomes : Nipah virus infection can lead to severe illness, including death, with a mortality rate ranging from 40% to 75%.

Prevention  ::

Preventing Nipah virus infection involves a combination of public health measures and personal precautions:

Avoid Contact with Bats  :  Do not handle bats or consume fruits or date palm sap that may be contaminated.

Practice Good Hygiene  : Regularly wash your hands with soap and water, and avoid close contact with infected individuals.

Hospital Infection Control : Healthcare facilities should implement strict infection control measures to prevent nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections.

Treatment  ::

Nipah virus infection patient  need supportive care in a hospital setting. This may include oxygen therapy, fluids, antibiotics, antivirals, steroids, and anticonvulsants as per doctor guideline. You will also need to be isolated from other patients and visitors to prevent further spread of the virus.

Conclusion  ::

Nipah virus is a formidable infectious disease that demands attention and awareness. While outbreaks have been sporadic, the high mortality rate and potential for human-to-human transmission make it a concerning threat. Staying informed about the virus, practicing good hygiene, and following public health guidelines are crucial steps in preventing Nipah virus infection. Ongoing research and vigilance in affected regions are essential to contain and mitigate the impact of this deadly virus.

Stay informed, stay safe, and together, we can protect ourselves from emerging infectious diseases like Nipah.
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Best 11 Health Benefits of Dates

Best 11 Health Benefits of Dates :: 

Best 11 Health benefits of Dates

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Watch video for full detail :: 

Have a Healthy day ahead... 
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Piles Hemorroids Treatment Medicine

Piles Hemorroids Tretment


             Piles are  Haemorrhoids  (Bavasir in hindi) that become Inflamed. Hemorrhoids are masses, clumps, cushions of tissue in the Anal canal - they are full of blood vessels, support tissue, muscle and elastic fibers.

Dr.Vadera’S  Homeopathic  Medicine  for  Piles , Haemorriods  Formula 
PREPARATION  H omeopathic  Medicine  is Safe , effective , stop pain , Burning , Bleeding  Naturally without Surgery.

  • What  is the Piles ??  ::  Hemorrhoids (Piles) are blood vessels located in the smooth muscles of the walls of the Rectum and anus. They are a normal part of the  Anatomy and are located at the junction where small arteries merge into veins.

New, Medicine for Hemorrhoid  PREPATATION  formula  H omeopathic medicine for  Pile x. Is  BEST Dr.Vadera's Homeopathic Medicine for Piles , Hemorroids

  • Below Short Description  to know about  the Piles and Haemorrids  , Fissure ,Bavashir  and  Treatment

Do You Know ??

  • More than 10 million cases  of  Piles  and Haemorroid  reccoreded per year  in  India .
  • Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, affect as many as 75 percent of people in the United States at some point in their lives. They most frequently strike when people are between ages 45 and 65.
  • Piles  are haemorrhoids  that become Inflamed.
  • The size of piles can vary and are found inside or outside the anus.
  • Half the US population are affected by piles, usually before the age of 50.
  • Around 10% of patients who go and see their doctor about piles, require surgical treatment
  • Internal haemorrhoids are ordered into four grades.
  • External haemorrhoids are called perianal hematoma.
  • Piles occur due to chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, lifting heavy weights, pregnancy or straining when passing a stool.
  • A doctor can usually diagnose piles rapidly on examination.


It.s easy to get rid on Piles and Hemorroids By DR.VADERA'S formula  Homeopathic Medicine without Surgery  by Natural Homeopathic Medicine Preparation...

Treatment  is Easy 4 step for Hemorroids  and  Piles..   ::
1)            Dr.Vadera’s  Homeopathic  Medicine  for  Hemorroids
2)            Hot sitz  Bath
3)            Food  Diet  plan
4)            Yoga and Mudra for hemorroids - piles

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Piles Hemorroid Treatment Medicine

Que  ::  How Dr.Vadera’s Homeopathic Medicine For hemorroids and piles work  without surgery  ??
Ans  ::  Special  compound Preparation Homeopathic  pills  - acts most markedly on lower bowels.
             Eases engorged haemorrhoidal veins
             Relieves  Piles  Pain , (blind  / bleeding) , Burning  Pain,  fissures of anus.

Que  ::  How  Yoga and Aswini Mudra help to treatment of Piles  without surgery  ??
Ans   ::  With Dr.Vadera Homeopathic Medicine for Piles hemorroids .. Aswini mudra and Yoga is truly effective as natural treatment for Piles as it cures through physical strengthening, improved oxygenation, blood circulation and natural Constipation relief.

             Yoga Ashwini  Mudra is the age old physical medicine for Piles that cures permanently by improving blood  circulation and  tensile strength of Anal pads..

Que   ::   How Hot Sitz bath Food Diet help to treatment of Piles naturally  ??
Ans  ::   With Dr.vadera’S  Homeopathic  Medicine formula  Piles , Hemorroids.. Advice to do Hot Sitz Bath .. Soaking in water at a mild temperature can help speed up the healing process by boosting blood flow. It will soothe Irritation. A sitz bath is typically used as a Home Treatment for Piles and haemorrhoids.

Food  =  . Foods that are rich in Fiber help the food to move  through the Digestive path at a fast speed.  The freshly prepared juice prepared by a diet of whole grains, cereals fruits and vegetables   is believed to be very helpful in treating piles as it has the tendency to give relief from  Constipation.



The most common  Symptom of  Internal Hemorrhoids is Painless bright red Blood covering the Stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl.
However, an Internal  Hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus outside the body, becoming Irritated and  Painful. This is known as a Protruding Hemorrhoid_Piles_Bavashir.
Symptoms of  External haemorrhoids_Piles  may include Painful  Swelling or a hard lump around the Anus that results when a blood clot forms. This condition is known as a Thrombosed   External Hemorrhoid_Piles.


                                        :: CLICK HERE ::

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Zika Virus Prevention , Diagnosis ,Treatment

Zika Virus Prevention ::

Avoid mosquito bites   ::

* Use insect repellents
Aedes Mosquitoes Zika
Aedes Mosquitoes.
* If you use both sunscreen and insect repellent, apply the sunscreen first and then the repellent
* Do not spray insect repellent on the skin under your clothing
* Treat clothing with permethrin or purchase permethrin-treated clothing
* Always follow the label instructions when using insect repellent or sunscreen
* When weather permits, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants
* Use air conditioning or window/door screens to keep mosquitoes outside
* Use a mosquito bed net
* Empty standing water from containers such as flowerpots or buckets

Zika  : Biggest concern ::

Zika virus has been known to be mild. But if it infects a pregnant woman, the foetus can be in extreme danger. The virus is known to be able to cross the placental barrier after entering the womb from the mother's bloodstream and affect the foetus. In Brazil and Colombia several cases of Microcephaly (babies born with very small brain) have been linked to Zika virus attack.
The virus is deceptive because in adults it expresses only through a mild fever with symptoms similar to dengue and chikunguniya and no hospitalization is required. But if a pregnant woman gets infected, although she too would suffer a mild fever with no need for hospitalization, the virus can attack the foetus to cause irreparable damage if not tested and diagnosed in time.


Diagnosis   ::

* The Symptoms of Zika are similar to those of dengue and chikungunya, which are diseases caused by other viruses spread by the same type of mosquitoes.
* See your healthcare provider if you develop the symptoms described above.
* If you have recently travelled, tell your healthcare provider.
* Your healthcare provider may order blood tests to look for Zika or other similar viruses like dengue or chikungunya viruses.
Treatment   ::

* There is no medicine to treat Zika.
* Treat the symptoms : 
* Get plenty of rest
* Drink fluids


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Zika Virus_ Disease


Zika virus is a member of the Flaviviridae virus family and the Flavivirus genus, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes.  In humans, it causes a mild illness known as  Zika, Zika disease, or Zika fever, which since 1950s has been known to occur within a narrow equatorial belt from Africa to Asia.  In 2014, the virus spread eastward across the Pacific to French Polynesia, then to Easter Island and in 2015 to South America, Central America, and the Caribbean and is now considered pandemic.

Zika Virus
Zika Virus Symtoms 
Symptoms  ::

* About 1 in 5 people infected with Zika virus become ill
* The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis. Other symptoms include muscle pain, headache, pain behind the eyes, and vomiting
* The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting for several days to a week
* Severe disease requiring hospitalisation is uncommon
* No death due to Zika has been reported in adults


Maternal-foetal  transmission of Zika virus has been documented
* In a pregnant woman with laboratory evidence of Zika virus in serum or amniotic fluid, serial ultrasounds should be considered to monitor fetal anatomy and growth every 3-4 weeks. Referral to a maternal-foetal medicine or infectious disease specialist with expertise in pregnancy management is recommended.
* Because there is neither a vaccine nor medications available to prevent  Zika virus infection, it is recommended that all pregnant women consider postponing travel to areas where Zika virus transmission is ongoing.
* If a pregnant woman travels to an area with Zika virus transmission she should be advised to strictly follow steps to avoid mosquito bites.
Mosquitoes that spread Zika virus bite both indoors and outdoors, mostly during the daytime; therefore, it is important to ensure protection from mosquitoes throughout the day.
* Mosquito prevention strategies include wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants, using US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents, using permethrin-treated clothing and gear, and staying and sleeping in screened-in or air-conditioned rooms.
* There is no commercially available test for Zika virus. Testing for Zika virus infection is performed at Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and several state health departments. Health care providers should contact their state or local health department to facilitate testing and for assistance with interpreting results.
* For a live birth with evidence of maternal or foetal Zika virus infection, the CDC recommends examination of the placenta and umbilical cord; testing of frozen placental tissue and cord tissue for Zika virus RNA; and testing of cord serum for Zika and dengue virus IgM and neutralizing antibodies.

                                    DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT : ....CLICK HERE ...   


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Best 20 Skin Care and Hair Care Tips In Holi

Best  20  Skin care and Hair care tips for Holi..

            Considering my love for colours, Holi can easily be termed as my ultimate favourite Indian festival. And, most of us just love it… don’t we?  
Skin Care Hair Care Tips

       But as we all know, Holi comes with its own set of pros and cons. The chemical based colours  ruin the skin and damage the hair for days. Then start the endless visits to the salon for nourishment  and  doctors for skin complains.


Skin and Hair Care Tips for Holi # 1 to 20
1)  Apply sunscreen and rich moisturiser at least 10 minutes before going out to play with colours.
2)  Apply copious amounts of olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil or mustard oil on your face and body. Also apply some oil behind your ears, ear lobes and nails as these are points were the colour really tends to settle.
3)  Massage your hair well from scalp to hair tips with coconut, olive or castor oil. This oil gives your hair a protective covering and shields it from harmful chemicals, dust and dirt. This will help the colours come off easily later.
4)  Cover your lips with a thick coat of lip balm to protect them from colour damage.
5)  Avoid all facial treatments during this period. If you are prone to allergies and rashes, visit your dermatologist to check whether you need precautionary medication.
6)  Wear clothes with long sleeves and full length bottoms to protect your skin.
7)  Don’t  sit in sunlight after playing Holi. It makes it difficult to remove and harm the skin as well. Sit in shade even when playing outdoors.
8)  To get rid of the colour from hair completely, wash it 2-3 times. Apply lot of moisturizer on body and face after taking shower.
9)  You can apply light daytime make-up. Touch up your eyes with an eye-pencil or kajal stick and use a lip gloss or balm. However, if you intend to play rigorously with colours, try not to wear any make-up.
10) Protect your nails from the harsh effects of colours by using a transparent nail polish Opt for red or pink colours because they can be easily removed as compared to colours like yellow, green, orange or dark purple as they have comparatively more harmful chemicals in them.
11) Try to ensure a safe and skin-friendly Holi by using herbal or natural colours: henna or spinach (green), turmeric or marigold flowers (yellow), tomatoes or beetroot or kumkum (red) & tea leaves (brown).
12)  After playing with the colours, remember not to use harsh soaps to get rid of colours from your skin. Do not wash your face with soap immediately because soap is alkaline and causes further dryness. Instead, use a cleansing cream or lotion, like cleansing milk which soothes the skin while cleansing. Massage on the skin and then wipe off with moist cotton wool.
13)  Til oil can also be used to remove colours by massaging it on face and body. This not only helps to remove the colours, but gives added protection to the skin.
14)  While washing your hair, first rinse it with plenty of plain water to wash off  the dry colours and tiny particles of mica. Apply a mild natural shampoo which deeply cleanses the hair without causing any further damage. Work it into the hair with your fingers, massage the scalp gently and rinse thoroughly with water again.
15)  Add the juice of a lemon to a mug of water and use it as a last rinse. This helps to restore the acid-alkaline balance of the scalp. Beer can also be used as a last rinse to soften and condition the hair.
16)  You can also apply a hair pack made of amla powder, boiled shikakai powder and water. Another homemade recipe for hair pack that works is a mixture of henna powder, four teaspoons of lemon juice and curd. Apply on hair and wash off after an hour.
17)  Use a toner to close the pores on your face before you head out. This way, you reduce the chances of colour going in too deep.
18)  Don’t forget to wear waterproof sunscreen before you step out for a day in the sun
19)  It’s a good idea to wear a thick scarf or bandana to cover your hair.
20)  Don’t wear lenses when you go out to play! While Holi colours by themselves cause irritability, lenses have a tendency to absorb the colour, thereby making things worse. Wear glasses and keep wiping them clean from time to time.

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