
  • Posted by DR.VADERA
  • at 4:46:00 AM -


         Homeopathy means healing diseases by the application of the law of similars, i.e.' like cures like' . This means that the 'symptoms picture' - a recognisable and characteristic set of symptoms- of healing agent ( the medicine) has to match the disease 'symptom picture' of the patient.

               Although this principle has been known and applied spasmodically for many centuries, it was Samuel Hahnemann, born in Germany about two hundred and fifty years ago, who clearly established homeopathy as a recognised form of medical practice. At that time the old world-view was being revolutionised by the new wave of what is now call the ‘age of enlightenment’.

              Community and traditional beliefs, many flimsily based upon superstition, were being increasingly subjected to empirical inquiry, and it was experimentation and theory based upon results that Hahnemann brought to the old notion of "let likes be cured by likes".
This is of particular relevance nowadays when new healing forms are being sought because we are questioning the results of medical procedures with their interventional approaches of cutting, burning, drugging and inoculating. These methods are seen to be failing to bring about long-term improvements in health in chronic disease, although they are of undoubted service in the short term. Increasing numbers of inquiring individuals on the healer’s path are seeking to find ways in which a humane system of medicine can be integrated with the clearly beneficial attributes of a science rooted in empirical methodology—experimentation, observation, theory and review. 


Written by DR.VADERA

Homoeopathy is the best 21th century alternative and the fast growing system of medicine. In this system of medicine natural remedies are used to arouse and strengthen the natural capacity of the body to overcome disease. It is the most scientific, effective, safe and simple system of medicine in the treatment of all the chronic as well as acute disease.